Apt-get :: More Failing Enable APT
BINGO[B] - Finally got Synaptic etc working. I followed the advice of doing a hard install and that seemed to do the trick. Just could not get it working with the Frugal install and suspect as suggested that it is an insuffuicient RAM problem - my measly 32M.
I do have a question about the Synaptic install. I was trying to follow the screen as things went by. I noticed Linuz tried to install version 0.5.13 or somthing like that but along the way notified me that it was downgrading to 0.5.4 again something liket that.
What is this downgrading thing?
Again thanks to both of you for your valueable help!!!
BTW Synaptic works great!!
The older version of Synaptic that is used in DSL will not work with the newer version of apt, so the installation script will downgrade the apt version in order to get everyone to play nice together.
i seem to have same problem, error 28 no space left on device when trying to work with /var/lib/dpkg/lock file, then unable to lock that dir.
48mb ram, 128mb swap, when doing this operation ram usage 56%, swap usage 11% (there s a firefox in the bushes on workspace 1). well, i'm but a noob, but this doesn't look as a ram jam to me.
just an idea - if read only, any disk can say no more free space left in me. if made writable, the /var/lib/ could surrender, couldn't it?
or am i completely wrong and should fullinstall on this old crap o'mine?
thx & sorry for wasting ur time.
Do a full hard disk installation of DSL and then try and install Synaptic.
original here.