Laptops :: Questiosn about running off of compact flash
Hi, if I were to run DSL off of a compact flash card on my laptop, what kind of gains would I see. I know the power consumption would drop, but how much longer could I get out of my battery? also would I see any performance improvements since the seek times would be reduced (i assume)? Thanks for the answers,
Boot time would decrease a little due to the dropped seek times.. And general read performance should go a bit up.
The most important part with CF cards is silence 
It's hard to estimate how much battery time you would gain, go and see 
Thanks for the reply, I was just reading that CF cards are not designed for frequent reads and writes, would the life of the card be a problem? or is this a non-issue? I would assume I could not have a swap partition if this is the case. Thanks,
Frugal install to CF/Pendrive is the way to go.
I would not recommend traditional hard install or swap, it will wear out the flash device. I am still running frugal on a 64MB pendrive from three years ago.
I recently purchased a 2 gb Lexar pen drive at Walmart for $23 including tax. It has a 2 year factory warranty. With the frugal install it should last at least as long as the warranty. I have never had a Lexar pendrive fail. My first, a 128 mb unit that is several years old is still operational.
Give it a try, by the time it fails there is no telling what pen drive capacities will be.
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