Laptops :: problems loading module smc91c92_cs
I've tried to use my SMC network card, but it failed. The insmod fails to insert the smc91c92_cs module. Among the errors in the /var/log/messages I see "unresolved symbol mii_ethtool_sset", "unresolved symbol crc32_le" etc.
Should I install some additional package?
Couple of updates. Actually I was able to rectify the situation by
doing manually 'modprobe mii' then 'modprobe crc32' and finally injecting the card. The confusing thing is, that both of these modules are listed among dependencies for smc91c92_cs. But when I try to do 'modprobe smc91c92_cs', then it fails with "can't load module b44.o".
Why in the hell it works then when I preload mii and crc32 
original here.