Laptops :: Issue with MacBook
Hello DSL forums. This is my first post, so I'd appreciate what you think of my first impression: am I a complete n00b, do I sort of know what I'm doing, etc. 
Anyway, on to business. I have a 2GHz black MacBook with 80GB hard drive and Intel Core Duo processor (note the lack of the "2" in "Intel Core Duo). I first downloaded a DSL .iso from one of your mirrors and put it into Q [kju]. It booted up fast and fine when I told it to boot using the .iso as the CDROM. I thought, hey, why not burn the .iso to a CD-RW and use it as a real Live CD? So I went into Terminal, navigated to the folder where the .iso was, and typed:
Code Sample |
hdiutil burn dsl-3.2.iso |
The CD burned perfectly, so I restarted and held down the C key to boot from it. When I got to the DSL boot menu and pressed Return, however, it froze up for about 15 seconds and promptly restarted. I tried all the boot options that I thought were safe, and I got the same result, except for one: install.
When I entered install, it brought up the loading screen with the big "Welcome to DSL" on it and everything else. But as soon as it was done with that and it brought me to the install menu, the screen started displaying "Keyboard not verified" hundreds of times over. Eventually, it said "Keyboard timeout" and the computer restarted itself.
I'm very confused as to what happened and am just trying to get a real Live CD to work with my MacBook. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated and not put to waste, I promise! 
I guess your keyboard cannot be detected properly so it would just restart itself (edit: maybe a conflict?).
But I don't think anything's been tested under a macintel yet (at least, nothing I've read about). Did you also try "dsl failsafe lowram", etc. as described in the wiki page on cheatcodes?
I didn't think that it would restart if the keyboard couldn't be detected. Smart Live CD you got there. 
And I didn't try every boot option, just the ones that I knew what they did. I'll try some others and tell you the outcome.
EDIT (02/08/2007): Success! Sort of. When I put the Live CD in today and tried to boot from it, DSL booted fine without any extra boot parameters. The main problem is that DSL still doesn't recognize my keyboard or mouse, so I had to do a force shutdown by holding the power button for 5 seconds.
I guess my question is, why does DSL recognize anything I type in at the boot prompt, but not afterwards?
original here.