Laptops :: Old laptop (Compaq 1625) display issue
I thought I'd put it to the test, seeing if I can make use of this old laptop. Load sequence goes as expected but the GUI is a pale green with just a shadow of icons on it. I don't have enough to try and manipulate any display settings. Suggestions? I'm a novice so be gentle.
Have you looked at:
Thanks. I Found this in another forum. I added
"fb800x600 dsl failsafe xsetup" to boot options and display is fine.
I installed DSL onto the hard drive and now it won't boot. Flashing cursor left hand top. Install seemed to go normally. I changed the BIOS to "OTHER" from "DOS" as suggested but no go. Any ideas?
Did you get a bootloader prompt?
Which bootloader did you try to install?
Run the install script in a terminal to see if there were any errors during installation.
I got it installed but had to use GPARTED to prepare disk. Now all is well. I am now connected to network and web using very old PCMCIA network adapter. I thought PCMCIA wasn't working but it is. Now I have to figure things out. I'm new to Linux, having just set up my desk PC with UBUNTU.
I was about ready to dump this old machine and I'm happy to see it work again. It's only got 96 mb of RAM and a 6.0 gb drive and had until yesterday Windows ME on it. DSL runs faster.
Thanks for help. 
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