Laptops :: Help with installing on older laptop!
I'm actually having a similar problem on a Toshiba Satellite 205CDS it's a P166 16Mb ram with a 800mb HDD.
I'm booting using a floppy.
The thing is I manage to run DSL in text mode using "fb800x600 2 vga=788 mem=16m".
However at startup the system tries to create a bunch of files, directories (the srceen keeps scrolling very fast, I manged only to read they have something to do with icons, and such), unsuccesfully. In each case there is some kind of error. It says among others "error -2". Then it jums to runlevel 5. And shows me the same message:
"xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server.
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error."
I though it had something to do with my Hard Drive. I formated it in a number of ways (FAT16, FAT32, and linux type partitions ext2 I think...), with and without swaps... No effect.
Any ideas??
The new floppy in the Release Candidate download area fixes an issue with very low memory machines.
Don't know if this will help any (i'm a newbie myself), but here goes. I have a Lifebook 656Tx with a P150, 80M, and a 2Gig hard drive (not exactly a 535, but pretty close). I normally boot Win98SE on it, but lately I've been using the 'dsl-3.2.iso' (not the syslinux file). I've found that it boots up nicely with 'fb800x600 dsl vga=788 desktop=jwm noicons' (though it will also run fairly well with fluxbox). As others have said, play with those boot options; no two machines are exactly alike (normally).
dgen: fb800x600 dsl vga=788 <-- those are conflicting - not sure what overrides what though.
Interesting. . . probably the 'fb800x600'. I've tried running without it before with no success. Thanks for the tip (it saves me a little typing at bootup) 
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