Laptops :: How to install CPU Freq Driver
After following the steps above, I end up with a directory usr/src/linux-2.4.26/drivers/cpufreq/ that contains the files:
What I don't see anywhere is a file cpufreq.o and so I cannot "modprobe" anything and I cannot install the cpufreqd daemon with loading a cpufreq driver.
The problem is that the cpufreq patch for 2.4.26 does not contain any instructions 
Check the .config file in your kernel sources. Did by any chance the module get compiled *into* the kernel?
If so that means it's already in there - you don't have to load it.
There are some cpufreq entries in the .config file in /usr/src/linux-2.4.26:
# CPU Frequency scaling
# CPUFreq governors
# CPUFreq processor drivers
I guess this means that the modules/drivers have been compiled into the kernel? The cpufreqd daemon won't run at the moment (no cpufreq driver), so I guess this means the next steps are:
1. I have to do something with the recompiled kernel
2. Remaster DSL (I use DSL from USB)
3. Boot the remastered DSL
Can anybody help me with the next step from this point - i.e. step 1 above?
After make modules...modules install, the correct files should be copied be copied into your system.
Modprobe can't find it yet because you need to update the system/lists (see depmod), or find the file(s) manually and use insmod.
Thanks for the hint - after checking what I'd done previously, I discovered I had missed out "make bzImage"
After applying the patch, I did:
root@box:/usr/src/linux# make mrproper
root@box:/usr/src/linux# make oldconfig
root@box:/usr/src/linux# make dep
root@box:/usr/src/linux# make bzImage
which created built-in.o, cpufreq.o, userspace.o, freq_table.o & proc_intf.o in /usr/src/cpufreq/linux/drivers/cpufreq
root@box:/usr/src/linux# make modules
which reported "Nothing to be done for `modules'" in /usr/src/cpufreq/linux/drivers/cpufreq
root@box:/usr/src/linux# make modules_install
which reported "Nothing to be done for `modules_install'" in /usr/src/cpufreq/linux/drivers/cpufreq and "depmod: Can't open /lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.dep for writing"
Then I did:
root@box:~# insmod --force /usr/src/cpufreq/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.o
which gave the error "/usr/src/cpufreq/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for"
Does anybody have any idea what the problem is?
If I can somehow enable modules.dep for writing prior to "make modules_install" this might solve the problem but what file permissions would be required?
I could also perhaps edit modules.dep manually but no doubt built-in.o, cpufreq.o, userspace.o, freq_table.o & proc_intf.o are inter-dependent on each other...
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