Networking :: Ndiswrapper i will only install...not uninstall...thats one task less
yey...i only used ./configure
is there a readme or something which describes how to compile it correctly?
There are the README and INSTALL files in the tarball and "./configure --help"
Just reading through LFS, and relizing, that
1. I don't even get the basic linux stuff right xD
2. i can't even compile a gcc... gcc is crosscompiling, that means i need a seperae directionary(?)
and i don't get the rest at all... big is the size of gcc3.4 looks huge...could be about 500MB
Oh yer...and could you tell me how to compile gcc3.4 please, because i would get it wrong. ^^
just the commands i need to type in aterm =]
that would be great
Oh okee, i will read them first
Compiling is very demanding, it's not comfortable on a Pentium 1, I have done that too 
Also, compiling a monster like GCC on a Pentium.. Let's just say it will take near a week, be prepared!
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