Networking :: Ndiswrapper
does that mean i need to install compile-3.3.5.uci first or is it in DSL 4.4.4 already?
You need to install compile-3.3.5.uci first - if it were in dsl-4.4.4 there would be no need for an extension 
ye..good point ^^
uuhhh -.- that will take quite a while again, because i will have to install all the needed packages first then compile 3.3.5 and then gcc-3.4 xD
I will give feed back when something happens ;)
Thank you
Oh and one more thing, i guess i will want to keep compile 3.3.5 ... but as it is a .uci it will always unmount when rebooting right...
so what do i have to do to keep it there where it was befor rebooting?
And is it a good idea to keep it on the system?
er, no - you need to start by "mydsl-loading" compile-3.3.5.uci, then compiling and making an extension of gcc-3.4, then compiling the new version of ndiswrapper
is that for frugal? because i have HD install [even though i don't think it has anything to do with that]but even if then gcc3.4 and ndiswrapper are compiled, then when i next time need to compile something i would need to load compile-3.3.5 again, because it will be gone as its an uci...and they always dissapear after rebbot
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