Networking :: How to give "nodhcp" boot code at startup?
to assign an ip address manually I have to
give "nodhcp" command to the kernel at startup.
How to do it when in my case dsl is installed at HD and there is GRUB comes up immediatly so there is no prompt to pass the nodhcp command?
Thank you
Add nodhcp to the grub command/boot line.
The file to edit is /boot/grub/menu.lst 
Thank you
I made as suggested.
I found in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file
the line #boot (at the and of the file), took out # sign and then wrote nodhcp.
Still I'm not sure it worked because at startup
I can read system message:
Network device eth0 detected. DHCP broadcasting for IP (Backgrounding)
It seems if it did work and there is still DHCP working.
Am I right or wrong?
I need static ip.
You need to put the boot code at the end of the line starting with "kernel"
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