Networking :: Ad-Hoc network
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up DSL to accept ad-hoc wifi connections. The goal is to make a picture frame for my workplace. They don't have any wifi access points there, so I have this old laptop with a workable wifi card (IBM 390 + Buffalo WLI-CB-G54S) which is working through ndiswrapper.
What I want to do now is:
1)make the wifi card work ad-hoc
2)use a dhcp server on DSL
3)be able to transfer pictures onto the DSL box from either another laptop or a PocketPC with FTP
I have got most of the parts working:
1)sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
2)using Curaga's busyserver.tar.gz mydsl extension, but everytime I launch it I get an error message:
udhcpd: cannot open /var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases for reading
3)using ftp boot code (I'm using frugal install of DSL 4.2.2)
Does anyone have any experience with such a setup? I am wondering if my dhcp.conf file is not ok, or if I'm doing something else wrong?
In the dhcp.conf, I only changed the interface to wlan0 instead of eth0.
Thanks for any help!
Does the folder /var/lib/misc/ exist? You might need to create it before busyserver can write to it.
good idea! No it didn't exist, so I created it. But still, no luck, same error message.
Apparently it's not the only problem, as when I set a manual IP on my pocketPC (in the same subnet), I cannot ping the DSL machine 
... even though it says I'm connected to the ad-hoc network!
That's another Broadcom 43xx (4318) chip, right? Join the club if it is. You'll get much better support for it in 2.6 than in 2.4 with the versions of wireless extension and wireless tools in DSL.
Yes, it is a Broadcom 4318 chip. So which club should I join? That of another distro with 2.6 kernel? What are my options?
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