Networking :: p4p800 netcard trouble
dsl doesn't recognizes my netcard.
in stats it says it's an unknown device from 3com
with no driver.
i don't really know how to search for a driver for dsl at 3com.
i've tried to search for a solution in forums
but command
pciconf -vl (to show some info)
doesn't exist here.
at an asus p4p800 site it says:
The AI Series supports Gigabit LAN by integrating the Marvell 88E8001 controller,...
and that's all i know.
sorry, im quite new to linux.
please help if you can.
or where do i search for what?
Did you try "lspci -v"?
Your ethernet chip seems to need the 'sk98lin' module.
So, just do the following to load the module:
Code Sample |
sudo modprobe sk98lin |
and then:
Desktop menu -> System -> Net Setup -> netcardconfig
If you are using dhcp with a cable modem setup, you could just run the dhcp client manually:
You can run 'ifconfig' to verify that you have received an ip address from dhcp.
(We prefix our commands with 'sudo' in order to perform the command with root permissions. 'sudo' grants root permissions.)
thanks to both of you,
lspci definitely lists the stuffs
and sudo modprobe sk98lin DID the job.
funny it was a line that separated my pc from the net.
thanks again, it's good things work (both forum help and my machine 
all best
I have a p4p800 deluxe and I cannot get this to work with just that line of code. What else do I need to do?
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