Networking :: How to recognize an Atheros card
I just recently discovered there's a dead giveaway for Atheros cards (which always work great on Linux).
They are the only ones that support 108mbps speed!
So whenever shopping, look for that number ;) I just placed an order for a tp-link cardbus one of these.
PS. I'd like this pinned 
Do all Atheros cards work "out of the box" with DSL?
Really? Just look for a card that can work at 108mbp and it will always be the Atheros chipset ? I know it's true for me as I have the WG511T (T being 108mbps). But that is great to know if it is true, for anyone wanting a card that is likely to 'just work'.
Danielp, I expect they do but not sure. When I investigated the Puppy and DSL forums 6 months ago for what I thought was the best card to buy, I concluded the atheros chipset would be best. Mine does 'just work' for open wifi, but I haven't managed to get WPA wifi working yet.
Not all Atheros cards work out of the box with faster speeds or all encryption, but I'd say 98%.
yes. Only Atheros cards have the 108Mbps speed, it's a patented technology
I have the ar5007 card in my laptop and I've had a hard time getting it to work in my laptop with any version of Linux.
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