Multimedia :: Remote Controlled Music
I'm working on a small computer that I will be using as a music player for my (admittedly crappy) home stereo setup.
Since it's a fairly old computer, I think that DSL would be great for helping it run fast.
My question is, is there a program I can get that would allow me to control the music player from a webpage interface? Kind of like WAWI for Winamp? ( I think there's one for XMMS, but I've had no success getting it to work on any Linux distro.
No idea, but wouldn't a remote controller be better?
A serial port infrared receiver + any remote = control 
A quick google showed xmms-control, a PHP page for controlling xmms through xmms-shell. You would need Apache, php, and xmms-shell to use it.
Yeah, xmms-control, that's what it was called. I never could get it to work. Which is strange, considering I've never had trouble getting php webpages to work on my apache setup.
And btw, thanks for responding so quickly.
Another one.
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