Multimedia :: Seeing the text at the end of Youtube videos

OK, I have Flash Player installed and can watch YouTube videos.

However, I can't see the text at the end that asks if I want to replay the video, see other videos from the individual poster, or see the related videos.  I can see the icons fine but not the text.

Is there something else I'm supposed to install?

I just loaded a YouTube video, using firefox 1.5 with flash 7. Text appeared at end of video on top of frame for replay, other videos, etc.
Quote (jpeters @ July 02 2007,22:34)
I just loaded a YouTube video, using firefox 1.5 with flash 7. Text appeared at end of video on top of frame for replay, other videos, etc.

So is the default version of Firefox incapable of this?  Do I need to upgrade to 1.5?  If so, how do I do this?
Check the MyDsl UCI repository.
I used MyDSL to upgrade Firefox to version 1.5.  But I STILL cannot see the text at the end of the Youtube videos.  Can anyone PLEASE tell me what's wrong?
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