Multimedia :: Re DSL Compatible Flash

Thanks for the link.
Am having trouble uncompressing the file.
gunzip flash-plugin-7.0.63.tar.gz
Subsequent file: flash-plugin-7.0.63.tar has zero bytes.

Tried tar -xvf flash-plugin-7.0.63.tar with no success.

Using DSL 3.3. What am I doing wrong?


You have to use the -z option of tar when extracting a gzipped tar file:
tar -xzvf flash-plugin-7.0.63.tar.gz

EDIT: i overlooked that you were extracting the file after it had been uncompressed.  The fact that the tar file has zero bytes should be a hint that gunzip failed and tar would do no good.

You can also get flash 7 here if there is a problem with the file itself:

I have updated the sticky post with simple instructions.

Many thanks roberts.
Successfully installed flash7 per your instructions.
With my frugal installation I installed it to "/ramdisk/home/dsl/.mozilla.
By the way my original download was with Dillo the file size was 252+kbytes.
Tried again with Firefox and the file size was 997.32kbytes, which installed with no problems.

Thanks RobertS. I've just got flash working now - I tried before but couldn't get it going.
It's so impressive ...very smooth on DSL/You Tube.....DSL has breathed new life into my P4.

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