Hi Can anyone recommend a good audio / midi sequencer to use in DSL ( I can install Muse but I can't see it on the menu).
I can install Muse but I can't see it on the menu
Installing something will not neccessarily produce a desktop icon, you will probably need to look in /usr/bin or sbin, usr/local/bin or sbin, opt/bin, etc to find the file to execute to run your program.Thanks mate. I'm sure asking a lot of questions at the moment!Well amazingly ( I don't know how I did it but I just starting clicking!) I've got muse and qsynth installed....(qsynth is the front end for fluidsynth) ! I think it was more of a question of luck than anything I knew I was doing.
I did get into quite a muddle! I realise that (doh) I had been using DSL v 2.4 ...with the oldstable and things seem to install ok! Today I downloaded DSL 3.3 and I couldn't get anything to work....(ie I couldn't install fluidsynth )...
I am so pleased so see Muse working. I will post more when I understand what I'm doing!Please can anyone explain how I might create an icon on the desktop to launch Muse? ThanksNext Page...
original here.