Multimedia :: USB Midi interfaces

Hi everyone. My first post!
DSL is great. I was really impressed....although DSL-N worked on my Dell laptop, DSL didn't.....anyway I digress.........

Is there any way to get USB Midi working with DSL? I want to run DSL with Steem and an Atari all works a treat but I can't get any midi output on my M-Audio Midisport 2x2. It's a shame as there's no other way to get midi in or out.

Just for reference, in another Distro I own ( Studio to Go) my usb midi device in Steem works when it's known as midi/01 in the devs list.

I can use Studio 2 Go, but you can't install it to USB.
I want something I can install to USB ( distro).

I'm not experienced in the ways of Linux and compiling code...I did install Alsa and all the bits in DSL-N but my USB midi interface isn't working :((

Any advice anyone? Should I just abandon mission now?

DSL-N is very fast on my P4 256MB Laptop......the best of the bunch.

Thanks everyone

Just to be sure - are you using DSL or DSL-N?

I'm not experienced in the ways of Linux and compiling code...I did install Alsa and all the bits in DSL-N but my USB midi interface isn't working

Did you use a myDSL extension to load alsa or did you compile alsa from source? The reason I ask is that I'm not sure that the myDSL extension has everything in it to run midi from a USB device. In aditition to this, if you are using DSL-N, some (all?) alsa drivers are already included.

Thank you for your reply and help.
I am using DSL-N and tried installing all the alsa utilities.

I can't run DSL on my trips up a the beginning.

Any advice anyone? I am desperate to try to get it working, I'd love to use Linux in the music studio I rehearse....(DSL)...

PS Can anyone explain ( if it won't take too long!) how I can add the other alsa drivers I need. Sorry I'm such a newbie!
I am using DSL-N and tried installing all the alsa utilities.
Sorry, but installing what exactly and from where?

Can anyone explain ( if it won't take too long!) how I can add the other alsa drivers I need
Could you cut and paste the output from the following to show what drivers you have loaded at the moment and what USB midi device you have connected:
Code Sample
# lsmod
# lsusb

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