Multimedia :: No sound on my old Notebook with ESS Soundchip

I run an HDD installed DSL 3.3 on an old Notebook (Compaq Armada 4160T, CPU: Pentium I 166 Mhz, RAM: 80 MB, HDD:1 GB CompactFlash, Screen: LCD 800x600, 16 Bit)

Because these SubNotebook don´t have an CD and no USB i installed DSL 3.3 on an newer Notebook (Compac Armada M300) and moved the HDD after the installation to the older Notebook.

Great: The WLAN with an old PCMCIA Card runs out of the box! :-) BUT until now i have no Sound. :-(

I think the notebook have an non pnp ISA ESS 688, 1688 or 1788 Soundchip inside.

How can i get sound running?

I´m a total linux newbe so i  search a lot in these forum an try "sudo modprobe sb" but i get only
"Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.dep"

I found now in DSL System Stats - dmesg:

<6> SB 3.01 detectet OK (220)
<6> ESS chip ES1888 detectet
<4> sb: Interrupt test on IRQ7 failed - Probable IRQ conflict
<6> ad1848/cs4248 codec driver
<5> ad1848: No OSAPnP cards found, trying standard ones...

Check the bios for everything about the sound card, like irq, address.... Then type modinfo sb
to see how to enter those options, and then modprobe sb with the options for your card.

If i try "modprobe sb something...." i get allways:

"Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.dep"

I installed DSL 3.3 new on my CF Card and try it again.

"modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 isapnp=no"

works now!

But if i try to play MP3s i get only a bad Sound with interrupts. The CPU usage seems not over 60%. Is there a chane to get a better sound?

The notebook has no problems with MP3 playing in Windows NT 4.0...

1: give sound player higher priority (sudo nice -n -3 xmms)
2: try one with lower requirements (like mpg321 included with DSL)
3: enable dma for that cf card, also check using hdparm from DSL wiki

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