Thanks.I got a similar message to this when I compiled a driver without the version.h (or .version maybe) file being present.
If you have access to a Knoppix 3.4 CD you can boot from, it might be worth compiling the driver on that to see if the problem disappears.Hi Juanito,
thanks for the advise but i am not enough of an expert to do that. i merely compiled the driver from sis*.c and sis*h files and was lucky enough to get the sis.o
can you just tell me how to work around my inabilty to run the script in .xinitrc. as i said the module loads when i manually run the script after bootup, and i just ignore the message. what's the difference between running it manually and running it in .xinitrc. is there any argument or something i can use with insmod?
secondly can i bother you to give me a compiled version of sis.o with the .h or .version thing that you told me about if i send you the source code?
Thanks.If you post the link to the site you downloaded the source binary from here, I'll give it a go if I can.
In the meantime, you could try "insmod -f sis" or "modprobe -f sis" to see if that helps.Hi Juanito,
very kind of you. thanks. i will try your advise. at the same time let me send the source to your email address. can i have it because the source was sent as a tar.gz to me by the pc manufacturer.