Multimedia :: Help building music computers

I'm building two computers that will be used in a night club to play MP3 music files.  I'm using VIA Epia ITX mainboards with an IDE adapter that will allow me to boot DSL from a Compact Flash card.  They will also have 160 gig hard drives in them that will only have the MP3 files on them.  I have no problems with the hardware part of this project I just don't know enough about DSL at this time to pull it off in the time I have to get it done.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, I really, really don't want to bog these things down with....Gulp....Windows XP.  Thanks!
hello there. I built something similar, i.e. an ITX booting from CF in order to keep power consumption and noise low. I basically put the CF plus adapter into another PC and "installed to HD", the HD being the CF. Other option was to connect both the CF (plus adapter) and a CDrom drive to the ITX, boot from CD and then load DSL onto the CF. That get's you up and running. The standard set of software packages includes mplayer and that's just fine for playing loads of music.
Next is to connect up the HD and run Mplayer or whatever you like.

original here.