"Detected cache-line size is 32 bytes" (i have a PIII with 256 Ko of cash memory) Maybe i do a mistake and this size is not what i think^^
I think you mean you have a 256Kb L2 cache capacity. 'cache-line' means something different... you can look this up if you want more details.
The most important is "MMX2 supported but disabled"
MMX2 finalized as SSE : see http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.aspx?i=902try using the xine player.Hello, If you are using the mplayer.uci from mydsl>testing, the problem was due to mplayer being compiled with '--disable-rtc'. The problem appears even on this build machine, a pentium 4. Just submitted a recompiled mplayer a few days ago and it has been uploaded to 'Testing'. So, this synch issue is now fixed. ('rtc': the computer's real-time clock provides an accurate time source to keep the video and audio playing together. '--disable-rtc' made it depend on *gaba gaba* some software technique which loses accuracy as the movie progresses, so video falls more and more behind sound.)
original here.