Multimedia :: Flash is doing weird things

haha... my old highschool uses Konqueror
I wonder if they're having any problems
we had a handfull of Windows machines and a handfull of Linux machines. I think the admin was doing some kind of test to see how the kids reacted and which OS the kids prefered and stuff...
but if there's a problem with flash on the machines, I imagine the kids will learn that you can't watch Youtube or anything on the Linux machines and run away to the Windows machines...
which makes me sad

and I'm not exactly sure what Glade is... is it like... a compiler or a GUI builder or something?

Rock on

It's a development environment for Gnome, similar to what kdevelop is for KDE, Fluid is for FLTK, etc.
Many developers prefer to use these tools rather than writing plain old C/C++ in a text editor because it's much easier.  The downfall is that the tools tie your application to a specific widget set. If you use something like Glade 2 or 3, your application is likely to shut out people who choose not to install Gtk2 and in some cases those who are not running Gnome. This is fine if your application is related to the Gnome project, as far as I'm concerned, and for all I know the Adobe devs didn't use Glade. The end result is the same as if they had, however. The Flash plugin is in such great demand that I think it was silly for them to go with Gtk at all, even if it was 1.2. They could have chosen xlib for the single right-click menu, which would have worked for nearly everyone using Linux.
This is one of the big problems with gui development, however. People seem to think that the interface is the application, and instead of coding a program and adding the interface on top of it, they build the interface and then plug code into the widgets.

This is one of the big problems with gui development, however. People seem to think that the interface is the application, and instead of coding a program and adding the interface on top of it, they build the interface and then plug code into the widgets.

Well said! I could not agree more! Wordsmiths are quickly disappearing.

original here.