Multimedia :: Spca5xx

I know this crops up from time to time, but I now have a dsl compatible spca5xx.o

I'm hoping over the next couple of days to turn it into a dsl that will automatically load it (and usbvideo.o) into the kernel.

For now however you can grab the module from Here

to use it
sudo modprobe usbvideo
sudo insmod spca5xx.o

then use your usb camera alongside xawtv quite happily

Dsl is now available

Here it is

Enjoy it

Thanks Anam,

I got the spca5xx.o working with your instructions and now an old Intel CS330 webcam is up and running for a friend. He combined it with some motion detection software and uses it for a birdfeeder cam...  "To each, their own"

I wasn't able to get the dot DSL version working but that may have been a fault on my side. Got the message "tar: Invalid gzip magic".

It would be good to email this to so that it can be added to the modules section of the repository

original here.