Multimedia :: flash9-beta
well if there isn't firefox 2, you could try 1.x
Just tried ff 1.0.4 gtk2 - can see a few seconds longer video but still kills the browser.
You can also play embedded flash movies with MPlayer if you have the MediaPlayerConnectivity extension for Firefox :
Flash Player 9 Update beta 2 is still very unstable. I've got the very latest version of Firefox gtk2 and the browser just crashed when there was too much flash content.
You could also try with Opera910.unc.
Hi Spock. thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded the mplayer-1.0pre8cvs.uci and also the mediaplayerconnectivity plugin but can't see a way to get mplayer to play flash files - am I missing something stupid?
I tried the plugin with opera, again it plays for a few seconds before "graying out" (at least it doesn't crash the browser).
The standalone flash player also crashes out.
Any more thoughts or suggestions for getting flash 9 files to play in DSL appreciated.
I find that flash9 beta crash with pcm sounds.
I try "DSL-N RC3 " with "firefox 2" and flash9 and there if i install with mydsl "Alsa" all is working fine, no more crash of firefox.
I try to make the same thing with DSL 3.1 , but impossible to install correctly alsa !!!
could you please try this solution ?
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