Multimedia :: Flash 9 ??

Has anyone managed to get Flash 9 beta running in dsl yet?
And if so,any pointers ?

Has Adobe finally released Flash 9 for Linux?
OK,I should rephrase my question

Has anyone managed to get Flash Player 9 beta running in dsl yet?
And if so,any pointers ?

just "installed" the beta about 10min. ago.

get the beta plugin from:

extract the tar file.

copy the file .so file (i.e. to your plugins directory for the browser.   For some reason I setup Firefox to run out of my home directory so I would copy to /home/dsl/firefox/plugins/

finally, chmod the .so file to be read/executable by all.  I wasn't sure if it was going to work, so I just gave it 777.

I then just closed all open browser windows that I had and started over.  It began using the new plugin right away.

If you can think of a site that needs Flash 9 to work, I could take a screen shot.  The one I tested with was Line Rider at Deviant Art.  
I'm addicted to this little toy whenever I have a little bit of downtime at work, etc.:
With the Flash 7 plugin installed, you should see a white square embedded in the page where the .swf file should be playing.  Once you setup the Flash 9 beta plugin you will be able to mess around with Line Rider.

Hope that helps.

Thought of a better tangible result of installing the Flash 9 plugin.... the music player on your (or anyone else's) myspace page will now function correctly.  You get the Track Name, the Spectrum Analyzer and the +Add and -Remove buttons on the bottom right.  All of this in addition to the Play/Pause button and the plain border/background stuff that showed up when using Flash 7.
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