Multimedia :: dsl for mp3-jukebox and webradio only

..hello forum .. i need some help on this ..

..i'm new to dsl and try to build a music jukebox on an old laptop
..connected to an internet broadband connection via wlan.

..main focus is the playback of webradio-streams + streamripping
..second comes mp3/flac playback from files on a hard drive

..third ..something like vnc. the notebook (bad screen etc) will
..sit next to hifi-amp somewhere on the floor. it should be vnc'ed

..what do i need ? (distros etc) ..can it be done or is it fiction ?
..a LIST what to do would help and be just great and dsling :-)


..not many replies, so far.
There is both a vnc dsl package as well as a streamripper package (I made that one, but haven't made any updates to it yet. Still runs great tho) in the mydsl archive. As for streaming mp3's, there's edna, but I haven't tried it, but you do not need it for listening to a stream while it is being ripped, since streamripper can retransmit a stream on another port. You can just access using xmms or another music player with stream capability by ip.address:port inside your lan.
I once installed gnump3d to my Gentoo Laptop. It worked perfectly.
There's also edna in MyDSL. It's quite good too, but doesn't have as much features as gnump3d has.

(I'm not quite sure if you wanted to use it as a server...)

If only for playback, there's also mpg123 for command line. ;)

DSl does the trick for a music jukebox. I have a remastered dsl cd with mp3blaster.dsl and screen.dsl and samba.dsl in it. It starts-up with ssh. So i can ssh to it via another computer. This is just textbased, but it works for me. I use screen to be able to exit de ssh session but let mp3blaster play along. Later i can reattach the screen. samba let me play mp3's on my network. Like chaostic said there is also a vnc and streamripper package so you also could remaster that, Then you can vnc to your jukebox and use xmms. YOu should just start en try and search the forum.
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