Multimedia :: volume setting
My soundcard works fine with DSL, but after each reboot I have to set up sound volume, cause it`s default set way too high. I tried viewing dmix file and also adding /etc/init.d/mixer_common.lua to .filetool.lst, `cause I thought that`s the place, where volume settings are stored, but I was probably wrong.
Can anyone tell me, how to make volume settings permanent?
Thanks for any help!
You need to use 'umix -s <fname>' to save the settings. Put this in /opt/ before the line that runs the backup & add <fname> to .filetool.lst. In /opt/ add 'umix -l <fname>'.
Sound settings will now persist through a reboot.
thanks a lot for your help!
Now I can save and load my mixer settings without any problems, but I still can`t get it done automatically.. I edited both and, but when I`m turning off my computer, I get a message, that umix is an unknown command..
In fact it`s definitely no problem to run a simple command after reboot to get my settings back, I`m just curious about where`s the problem 
well, I`m not sure, if anyone will ever read this topic again, but the only problem was, that in bootlocal and I had to write full path to umix, not only `umix -s` or `umix -l`, but `/.../.../umix -s`
Now all volume changes, I do in X are permanent.
Thanks a lot, Andrewb, your reply helped me learn 
Your topic was indeed read again. Thanks for the info. I had the exact same question except my default volume was too quiet.
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