Multimedia :: To .xinitrc and beyond!

Alright I have three things that I have on my mind if someone out there would be so kind as to help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

-I have a bash file that I run using "sh" would I just insert it like that into .xinitrc with the '&' directly after like normal or does it need something different.

-Everytime I boot up I have to go to wiconfig and manually connect to our wi-fi connection how can I set up an .sh so that it can run from boot. I mean I already tried to type in 'wiconfig' in terminal. there has to be another command but I have no idea what it is.

-And the last one is about ......... 'dmix' dsl's volume control for left and right speakers, well on boot the speakers are down to a whisper is there any way I can configure this to 'hearable' sound on boot?

Starting the bash file depends on what it does, and when and how often you want it to run.  If it's meant to do system tasks as root once when you boot, it should be in /opt/  If it has user tasks and you want it to run when you log in, put it in /home/dsl/.bash_profile.  If you want it to run every time you open a terminal, put it in /home/dsl/.bashrc.  If it needs X, put it in /home/dsl/.xinitrc.

If the script is already executable and begins with #!/bin/sh you do not need "sh" in your command.  It would also need to be in your $PATH if you want to run it without a full path to the file.

The iwconfig command is iwconfig_setup

I'm not sure about dmix settings, but there is at least one thread here somewhere that explains how to do it.

cool.  :cool: well I Made a .sh to run 'festival' the sythesized voice program. I thought it would be cool to get it to say something like "welcome to michaels d.s.l machine" on boot or something.

original here.