Multimedia :: WAV and AVIs?
Hi, I can play mp3s perfectly with xmms but not wav files or avis. I know these need certain codecs to work under Windows, but how about linux(DSL)?
A bit off topic. How do you set the mouse speed?
PS and what does RDesktop do?
You probably could download the xmms modules somwhere.
However, for movies, I suggest mplayer, (theres also xine). Actually they probably could playback just audio files as well.
For mouse sensitivity.. you could probably use `xset`.
rdesktop is remote desktop client (rdp) that allows connectivity to Microsoft's protocol.
have you tried codecpak.dsl from the repo ?
codepack.dsl? In the repository? Are you sure? I can't find it (?)
..Who is this General Failiure and what's he doing on my HD?
see mydsl>system
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