Multimedia :: audacity and sound device
I have added the audacity.uci extension to the "My DSL" panel.
But even when I start audacity, there appears an error which tells me that the program cannot found a sound device and that I should check my sample settings.
So audacity doesn't record and play any sound file.
I have searched all the sub forums for users with the same problems like me, but there weren't any posts which could help me.
I'm using the latest stable dsl version as an hd install on a 1.3 Ghz amd duron with 512 mB ram. Sound chip (win named it C-Media) on elitegroup K7S5A. Internet access is only possible with windows, because I have only an internal modem.
Please help me... Or give me some advice, please.
Do you have sound working on this system? If not, audacity will not work.
If you have sound working, you'll probably need to change the device used in audacity (Edit > Preferences > Audio I/O)
The system sound works, especially Xmms. The only thing which doesn't work is audacity.
audacity > Edit > Preferences > Audio I/O:
I can choose only one device, something like /dev/sp... (sorry, but I write this thread on windows)
Nothing else.
One thing I'd try is to look in Xmms preferences to see what device it is using. That should be shown when you press the Output Plugin's "Configure" button on the Audio I/O tab.
If it's listed as /dev/dsp, same as audacity, then there is something messed up other than the chosen device. I can't think what that would be at the moment.
This might be one reason. I'll check that next time.
Thanks milkshaw, you're one of the brains at this board. 
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