Multimedia :: Running a gamecube...?

Does anyone know a program that will let me   run my gamecube on my moniter thru my line in    port?
If this can be done, please inform me as well. This would be AWESOME for me, because I can do HD on an LCD monitor.
Where is this line-in port located? (On your video card?)
This may have to do with XFree86... although I am unclear what exactly you are looking for.

You want to use your computer monitor as your GC monitor?
Just go to your local RadioShack or something and you can
probably find a cable that would convert the yellow video
cable coming from your gc into a cabel that would plug into
your monitor. Some monitors even have a video-in port on the
back of them.
Anyways, you make it our to be alot more complicated then it really is, it doesn't have anything to do with your CPU or
fiddling around with your video card!

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