Multimedia :: flash player help...
ok, can anyone help please.
i am running dsl 2.4 on a laptop with 266mhz pentium and 4gig hdd.
i chose to install to hdd (not frugal). then i did the upgrade to gnu utils.
once this was complete, i downloaded gtk2-0705 from the mydsl controlpanel and once downloaded, did the right click on desktop>mydsl>update to gtk2
next, i downloaded the firefox tarball from mozilla, unpacked it, renamed my old firefox in usr/local to firefox.old then copied the new firefox folder to usr/local.
so far so good, after rebooting the desktop icon for firefox now loads the new vers
knowing that i wanted the flashplayer plugin, i went to a site that requires flash and when prompted to by ff, i downloaded and installed the new Flash Player 7 plugin. after that i rebooted and checked about:plugin and all seems ok. I seem to have SHockwave Flash Player 7 installed.
so then i went to the site that i need flash player for, it is a live chat site based on flash, hence it is predominantly text.
however the flash chat does not load properly and during its attempted loading i get this warning message...
"A script in this movie is causing Macromedia Flash Player 7 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?"
can anyone help me to get this flashchat loading properly or do i not have enough power to run ff1.5.04 and flash player 7 on this old machine?
ps, i have tested flash player on other sites and it works for video (allbeit slowly) without putting up that warning message. I would have thought that a text based chat page would have been less resource hungry than video files in flash?
Did you create a swap for extra memory use?
did you experience the new firefox in the testing area?
(this thread:
yes kerry, i am using a 128mb swap partition
and zoop, i think that link is for version which i am using.
it is not the same to install a tarball in DSL and to load it with the myDSL utility, I would try the second possibility in order to eliminate one more hypothesis
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