Multimedia :: Any way to play a midi file?
For those looking for support for musicians using Linux try Studio To Go from Fervent Software ( It's a LiveCD based on Knoppix with a kernel tweaked for audio use. It costs 60 GBP, but well worth it if you're serious about MIDI or digital audio running on Linux. It should work with any MIDI-compliant hardware. I've successfully used it with my Yamaha DGX-205 keyboard; I was easily able to set up Rosegarden to take MIDI inputs from the keyboard.
Code Sample |
apt-get install playmidi |
I typed
Code Sample |
playmidi <midifile> |
and I got this error:
open /dev/sequencer: no such device
Me again , I was wrong earlier , the JAZZ Sequencer(available at as gnu license) does work on DSL ,only thing I had to do was editing the config file from ALSA to OSS , so at least I am able to play midi files over a midi-synth.
since u got jazz working, can u make a .dsl or a .uci?
Me too I installed jazz and changed the jazz.cfg from alsa to oss but I got this error:
/dev/sequencer2 or /dev/music: No such file or directory
legalize cannabis
Me again
, the thing made me curious , so I tried timidity. Aynone else having troubble compiling source under dsl ? I get error messages like "no hosttype specified" , yes so what host type may I need ?Silly stuff , I just wanted to run a simple program. I searched and searched for a binary and finally found one at (, yes I just borrowed a puppy package
The files have to be moved manually from the extracting folder, then in EMELFM go to the directory where your midifiles are , type "timidity "+ yourmidifile.mid , and I think it sounds pretty good .The program does actually nothing but playing , no edit screen or gui around , I am curious if anybody got timidity++ running ? I am also thankfull for any tip how to make those src files compile on my system , got gcc already , so what else would be recommended ?
Thanks a lot
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