HD Install :: Help with Installation
I have never installed a new operating system on a machine in my life. I have almost no knowledge of computers and I need to know how to install this os onto my machine. I have the iso on a cd, but do not know what to do at this point. Will someone please post a comprehensive step by step instruction for getting this on my machine. Explain it to me like I'm a child.
Boot the cd on the comp. Mess around, get to know DSL before you install it..
Before installing you need to decide which type of install you want. I'd recommend a debian-type one, it's the easiest & fastest. On the other hand it takes about 200mb instead of 50mb, but I guess you can live with that ;)
Open up a terminal (Aterm). Type "sudo su". Type "cfdisk". You're now in a partitioning program. With up and down arrows you select partitions, with left and right arrows you select what to do. Feel free to remove all partitions (I got the impression you want only DSL on the comp). Then make a new one of 256mb to the end of the drive, and when asked for type, put "82" (=swap). Then make another one having all the rest of the space. It's type is 83 (=Linux).
Go to "write" and press enter, and when it asks, type "yes". Then go to "quit". Reboot.
When rebooted, get to Aterm again and change to root (by typing sudo su). Then we format the two partitions we just made. "mkswap /dev/hda1" "mke2fs -j /dev/hda2"
Then enable the swap with "swapon /dev/hda1".
Now it's just missing the actual install. Close Aterm, right click, browse to "Install to HD".
When it asks, you are installing to hda2 and formatting to ext3. Post if you got problems 
original here.