HD Install :: Frugal HD install
I have a 10Gb hard drive. I used cfdisk from the LIve CD to setup 3 partitions:
hda1 bootable Linux ext2 80Mb
hda3 Linux ext3 9Gb
hda2 Linux swap 1Gb
I did the Frugal grub install and booted from the HD, DSL came up fine. Where is my swap drive?
Why is grub starting the kernel with "noapci noapm" when the LiveCD boot found apci? How do I change this, hte /boot/grub/menu.lst is readonly.
I can save my config to /dev/hda3 (what is it doing? I want that to be /home). When I boot from HD or LiveCD it gets around to reading that. How do I save /etc/fstab
It seems I can change /etc/ssh/sshd_config....
What is the equiv command to Redhat's service:
service sshd restart
service network restart
I boot from LiveCD with DSL home=hda3 and the boot restores my config from hda3 as I backed it up, and sets /home to be on hda3. Huh? How can the config be backed up to hda3 and it also be /home
So I backup the config so it will remember that /home is mounted on hda3? I reboot from the HD, and /home is on the ramdrive 
Oh, and at some point I want to install some MyDSL extensions. The wiki says that they are install first to /tmp and it must be in group staff not root. Well /tmp is right now on the ramdisk and it is in group root. How do I 'fix' this?
Whew! And this is only for getting started!!!
The menu.lst you should edit is in /cdrom/boot/grub/menu.lst. Mess with the first options kernel line, like removing noacpi and adding home=hda3 to make it use it as your home and remember your backup.. Also add "sshd" to the long line to make it start sshd automatically on boot.
You don't need to change anything with /tmp, the wiki is partly outdated..
swap is on hda2 from the list...?
Debian style: i.e. /etc/init.d/ssh start or you can use DSLPanel
See cheatcodes for the rest of your questions.
Excellent progress!
How do I get it to use hda2 as my swap drive?
What about noapm and nodma? How do I determine if those are needed?
Thanks for showing me how to start ssh. But I still at times need to restart network. And on Centos I just: service network restart
How do I do that in DSL?
There is probably something I still don't get about /etc/fstab and /etc/modprobe.conf But I am still enough in the dark that I don't know what to ask...
And I want to get Bluetooth working. For a mouse and for PAN.
In fact with PAN, I would like it to auto connect so I can the run, say VNC from my DSL Libretto to my DSL headless workstatioin/server...
Your swap partition will be automatically used if you formatted it (you did, right?)
format it with "mkswap /dev/hda2" if you hadn't already
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