HD Install :: Installing onto a new HDD
I did not take the Debian suggestion, since I am not familiar with Debian and I did not understand what you meant. Thank you for the suggestion.
Also, I did not “swap” the partitions, since the instructions told me to set them up this way.
So what did I do?
I copied the file minirt24.gz from a mirror site: http://feather.gus.to/mirror/
What this file does I do not know. I put it in, but I can run DSL without it as well.
Instead of executing all of the GRUB commands listed in my earlier message, I put them in the menu.lst file and copied it to the /boot directory. Then at the GRUB prompt I execute:
GRUB> bootloader /boot/menu.lst
Now the menu comes up, and I just select the default entry, where all the commands are kept. It then boots just fine.
I am sure you have a more elegant solution, but this works for me so far. I can remember the simple one liner. I haven’t figured out how to get the menu.lst to display automatically. If you know how to do this, then you can let me know.
The above message, the actual GRUB lines should read:
GRUB> root (hd0,1)
GRUB> configfile /boot/menu.lst # Not bootloader ...
Then the GRUB menu comes up fine.
Sorry for any confusion!

I gave up on DSL-3.3-syslinux.iso. Instead, I took the file DSL-3.4.iso, and burned this. Then I installed this version. It worked perfectly. Now I boot into a GUI version of GRUB, which is much easier to use.
Summary: don’t use DSL-3.3-syslinux.iso for a i686 machine with a Pentium III. Go right to DSL-3.4.iso!
Thank you for all the previous suggestions.

original here.