HD Install :: Hdd install and grub problem
Hi there
Well since this is my first posting, I'd start with a fairly difficult problem
I have an old P200 PC with 2 HDD
HDA is a 1 gig HDD that windows lives on
HDB is a 8.5 gig hdd split into 2 partions
HDB1 is a 5 gig data partion for windows
HDB5 is 3.5 gig partion for DSL to live on
Now I can run DSL off the live CD with no trouble
However , every time I try and install dsl to hdb5 , it installs correctly, but it does'nt set grub up properly so when the system boots it does'nt boot into grub, just windows
The bios is a bit old, and can only boot from floppy, hda or CDrom
I've looked and tried configuring grub from the terminal, but it keeps giving
errors such as selected disk does not exist !
Any help would be appreciated
If you can only boot from hda and not hdb, you can edit the install scripts or run grub-install/setup directly.
cd /tmp
cp `which frugal_grub.sh` .
# Now edit frugal_grub.sh, go to the line "grub-install" and change the first parameter to your hda device
sudo ./frugal_grub.sh
Note that if you're not sure if runs will work with your computer (you say it's old..) you might want to back up hda's mbr first. But then if grub really didn't work, you'd probably be ending up installing lilo or the like over it.
no help from me, but i will say thanks for the answer thehatsrule. you answerd my question. i will have to try some thing else then ^^
Did you install GRUB on hda? Have you tried making a boot floppy?
Nope still does'nt work for some reason
Dont know why
Given up playing with it for now... until sat when I'll try the lilo boot loader option
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