HD Install :: USB keyboard/mouse (wirless)
Hi, can someone tell me how I can enable my USB wireless mouse and usb keyboard please? 
More info? Was your USB keyboard detected during boot? I've never had an issue with DSL not detecting my USB mice (wireless or wired) or keyboards either at boot or upon insertion. If your keyboard is working, go to console and run xsetup.sh and select USB mouse.
well, when I try to boot with my USB keyboard, an error comes up
No such file or directory (errno 2): Unnable to connect to X server
No such process (errno 3): Server error.
Sounds like an issue with X, maybe your .xinitrc. Does everything work if you boot the CD? Can you enter text at all in the console after this error?
it did say xinit before the error. x_x
and no, i cant type
after the server thing it says
and then i cant type
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