HD Install :: Yet another question about a Libretto
I found a few topics about Libretto installs, but none that actually clarify how to do it correctly. Would it work correctly if I popped the hard drive into another computer and booted with the code "install", and when it gets done and tells you to remove the cd and restart, will it work fine if you at that point transfer the hard drive since the computer hardware is detected on startup and the display resolution has not already been selected? Thanks!
That will all work OK.
If you install a frugal installation with GRUB then you can edit the boot line the first time you boot on the libretto to change to the correct vga=xxx code (xxx=808 is best for a 100/110) .
You can run the 'installed' system on the first computer to check that all is woking OK before reinstalling the hard drive in the libretto. If you do this then also add the xsetup boot code to your grub line when you edit it to change the vga=xxx code, then the xsetup script will start & allow you to change the xserver, mouse, keyboard etc. Once you are booted you can make the permanent change to vga=xxx in the menu.lst file for GRUB.
If you don't know how to edit things at boot time in GRUB - just highlight [use arrow keys] the boot option you want (i.e. DSL)from the list presented by GRUB, hit 'e', select the line you want to edit, hit 'e', make the changes (change vga=
, add xsetup at the end os the line), hit 'enter', press 'b'. These changes aren't permanent - they are only active for that one time - hence the need to edit the menu.lst file once the system has booted.
Thanks Andrew, I have a 100ct buy I'm selling it for the smaller 50ct I bought a few days ago. The 100ct has all the port replicators and all, but I'm a gadget freak, and since DSL doesn't need all 166mhz and the 50ct is standard VGA I'd have less problems setting it up since I'm a Linux Newbie.
Hi stampede_dude,
maybe you´re right concerning the needs of DSL.
For surfing the net and doing other things I would prefer the L100 to the L50.
If you take the right vga-code like Andrew told you the right screen resolution is no problem at all.
I´m using a L100 for a while and DSL (HD install) has brought it to a new life 
Why not just run xsetup.sh and change your settings when you move the drive between computers? I do that on my "portable" hard drives and USB keys as I shuttle between computers. The X settings aren't statically set. You CAN change them, and that's why you have tools like xsetup.sh.
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