Site News :: 0.7.1
The answer to your quandry is 'rsync'.
If you can download the newest dsl iso file using the rsync process it would speed things up.
Basically, you would rsync your old iso file with the new iso that is at the download site and only the changes between the two files will be sent to you over the internet.
I have never used it myself but I have read reports of others who use it to download upgraded isos with great success.
However, due to the way cloop compresses things, would rsync work? I'm not sure every file is in exactly the same place (i.e. byte offset) when cloop compresses things and you compare them, so it might make no difference whatsoever if more changes had been made than a few - you might only save a megabyte or two at the most.
Then again, I've never tried it... 
I harbor the same suspicions that you have about rsync.
However, I hear of people that use rsync to download the latest knoppix or the new Peanut Linux livecd and both of these iso's use a cloop image.
However, I can't vouch for it personally.
This new release merited a headline in the Distrowatch Weekly.
Keep up the good work guys : D
WooHoo !!
Man-O-Man !!
Love seeing that post in the Distrowatch Weekly !
Just what the "Doctor Ordered" !
"Top O' the pile ... :-)
Hats off to John & Robert... Good Work !
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