Site News :: 0.6.1
The frugal_install script (written by Robert) is really very cool! If anyone has been working with the poorman's setup, this adds some nice capabilities.
distrowatch announced this release even, how nice! I'm going to check out the frugal_install. looks like a lot of good additions in this release.
I wonder if wvdial has been included in 0.6.1. I had noted that it was in, but not in 0.6. The current list of packages on the site shows:
wvdial PPP dialer with built-in intelligence.
I just wanted a confirmation of that, since I did have modem detection issues when using 0.6.

No it is not, I am open to putting it back in though. But, what happens if you try to use pppconfig?
6.1 is great. Thanks to you and Robert. What exactly is this
frugal install? I'm all for frugal, but just can't seem to find out what it does or where to find the script.
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