Site News :: 0.6 is ready
All the mirrors are now updated. I want everyone to know that Robert Shingledecker is responsible for virtually all the improvements in this release. He really did an amazing job.
For details check out:
Or, just go download it:
Dsl has finally detected my NIC and now I can use DSL unaided by VMWARE!11
OH JOY! It will be on my harddrive in no time.
Thanks for the new release 
However, if the dpkg program is installed with the dpkg-restore script, wouldn't that mean you'd have to do a dpkg-restore before you could install any .deb packages while running from CD? I think there are some scripts out there that download the .deb and extract it with dpkg -x to /home/damnsmall or /opt, and these wouldn't work without a dpkg-restore first (or would they?).
One of the things Robert did was to make the dpkg restoration process restore not just the dpkk/ folder but all the dpkg* and apt* utilities. They are quite bulky, and we saved some space by doing it this way.
Whoo I had 0.6 yesterday morning but error with ISO so I downloaded again at 17:45 and it's the best !!! New kernel...WHEEHAA SUPA DUPA
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