Site News :: made some forum changes
I finally got around to modifying the forums a bit. Hopefully they will seem a bit more organized and to everyone's liking.
I think there are too many messageboards now... but ok 
What was happening is that help topics were falling down the list too fast and the same questions would get repeated by different users. By breaking the help section up there will be less dupes. BTW, the water cooler forum was your idea.
Yeah, I guess so, now the only problem is I have loads of things to look through, would it be possible to have a sidebar that has recent activity in the fourms? (Eg here) It might make things a bit faster, or I can stfu if that would be easier too.
I agree with ImNotHere; for those looking for answers it is great, for those of us trying to help, it takes more time to go through all the topics. Is it possible to make a new topic ('Everything'?) that lists every thread in chronological order (not allowing new threads to be made)?
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