Site News :: Go grab 0.5.1 :)
John, you're a machine with these new releases, I don't know how you manage them so quick! I'm expecting 0.5.2 at least within 10 minutes or so 
Thanks, actually expect a very soon there are a couple of minor bugs to fix. 0.5.2 is going to take a little while.
Thank you for your dedication in producing such a FINE Linux distro.
Your efforts AREN'T unappreciated.
Thanks John, it hasn't been without help.
Hello John,
DSL is a terrific project. In your current site 'notes' for 0.5.1, you list some work Peter Sieg has done on the install script for low RAM systems. Is this the same fix for the Help thread concerning laptop HD installs hanging after a few minutes of loading files that you posted around Dec.1st? Hope so - I couldn't figure out how to implement that needed advice.
Keep up the good work.
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