Site News :: 0.8 is out!

tried 0.8 this evening on my desktop PC and it would not boot. It froze on the isolinux screen.  I was using a CDRW 185MB disk.  It may have been bad.  I will reburn tomorrow on a fresh disk.
New distro looks great.  Thanks for the work. Quick question,
though:  where do I find Firefox?

Hi all,

Who can confirm these problems with 0.8:
1. starting ssh deamon,
then #sudo passwd root -> error not possible to change the password...
#sudo passwd dsl -> error not possible to change the password...
same problem occurs also for ftp server...
2. I tried to modify the iso, ( same why like i did for .7.3, add /optional in the root directory of the cd image and fill it with dsl packages)
when i start my machine with this cd it stop directly after lilo, telling me that the checksum is not correct...
i tried again the 0.7.3 and it works, i burn the original iso 0.8 and it also boots...
Anyone has an idea what may has changed between 0.7.3 and 0.8 at boot ?


It's a bug in the new version.

I did a search for keywords

ssh password

and searched all forums, from the beginning or newer.

Here is the thread with the workaround:

original here.