Site News :: DSL on The Linux Show
....After the 5 min crash course i nIRC ...whew.. I made it..
The interview was great, John..
Very high energy on the irc channel
So many DSL users there supporting your effort...
It looked like a DSL banner advertisement for about 10 minutes on the IRC !
I personally saw a ton of users jumpin' for joy to get the word out.
It was a GREAT 10 minutes of fame.
I thought the "Linux Show" staff and crowd was very warm and receptive.
Only good things to say about DSL... and for good reason
Lots of good info, explored the new items, upcoming additions...
You did good, .... real good...
Backpats and Kudos.......
.....and honorable mention goes to cbagger01 who gave everyone on IRC
a 10 min crash course in DSL 101 skills...
That got things going!! Good Work !
73 de Kent
...and who was that "arne" character that used SaidenUnleashed's nick to give out John's email ??
Anyone have the IRC transcript?
I would love to read through it. I only got part of it. got it!
someone used my name to give out Johns email. that dirty bastard.
makes me angry.
although, for the 4 minutes i was on there i did learn a place to buy 50mb cds ^_^
and i gotta d/l the whole show from today so i can listen from the beginning. 
EDIT: actually read the transcript of the IRC and it turns out Arne was telling me to send John an email after i make a way to boot DSL over a network. Like I didn't know that already...
I just wanted to thank Ke4nt, nmy_MGALUG, SaidinUnleashed, and cbagger01 for helping out in the IRC channel. you guys added a lot of value to the interview.
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