Site News :: Have your cake...
DSL is still a sub 50MB distribution, but now, thanks to the hard work of Robert Shingledecker and help from members of this forum, there is now an amazing ability to stack extensions to the existing iso and easily get DSL++ without having to go through the work of remasterring. This system is also very versatile as the extension media can be on the same disk or in another space, such as a separate hard drive partition. There is also a very easy to use mkmydsl script which will assist you in building your own DSL++ iso which will have exactly what you want and be the size you want.
Quick Q John
Downloading the v0.7 iso now (for when my exams are over and then i can play with my built miniPC
Do I need to download all those other 'link' files, eg openoffice form the ftp sites, or is there a script in DSL?
Wow, I'm so excited I could vomit with anticipation... Okay, maybe I won't actually vomit, but I am really excited by this new release. I'm downloading it now, this is actually the first time that I've actually had my computer with dsl on it set up so I'm even slightly concidering not upgrading to the newest version, but I can't kid myself, the new release looks so awsome that I have no choice but to install it.
Great news.
DSL runs great and I love the new mydsl feature, but I couldn't get toram to work.
error message couldn't find knoppix dir.
Hope it's just me, but the rest of the cd runs really well.
John -
Sounds like you and your team have all have made some great enhancements to DSL. I can't wait to get home this afternoon to download and give it a whirl! I hate it that Hasty was able to get to it before me!
Take care,
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