Site News :: Damn Small 0.6.2
Uh Oh, I downloaded 0.6.2, and did knoppix restore=/dev/hdb2 (where I have my
0.6.1 tarball, with Mozilla Firebird), and my desktop came right up! Didn't have to
restart fluxbox. All that worked a little _too_ good, as I have my old 0.6.1 menu, and not the new one. Also, since I save my .xinitrc, my own message appears and not the one that goes with 0.6.2.
Oh well, I gotta fix that. Want to see what the new menu has!

Downloaded DSL 0.6.2...
So far, so good. However, I did have a few observations.
The Fluxbox keyboard shortcuts are still broken. See this post for details:
My advice is to replace the dead simlink at /etc/X11/fluxbox/keys with the key file located in /home/damnsmall/.fluxbox/keys
I would also replace the dead simlink at /etc/X11/fluxbox/init with the equivalent file in the /home/damnsmall/.fluxbox directory
Because having a default global keyboard shortcut map will work with the add user skeleton functionality, while there is no easy way to replace "/home/damnsmall/.fluxbox" text inside the init file with a new "/home/newuser/.fluxbox" text
Also, the Busybox "tar" function is still broken and is causing errors for people who download apt-get packages to RAM when running from LiveCD. The error message is "tar: Couldnt remove old file: Is a directory" and it is a documented bug with Busybox.
Until this problem is fixed by the developers, my advice is to replace the "tar" symlink to busybox with the real GNU tar program.
See these threads for details:
Thanks again for all the good work.
Great work!
I was able to remaster the new version, adding Mozilla, but as of yet been unable to get Java applets to work.
Could you post a mini-howto on your remastering method? Or, perhaps a link to
a web page of yours where that can be found.
Bryce, I am interested as well to see how you did it since all my attempt to remaster have failed so far.
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