Site News :: We broke over 1000
This is just amazing to me. I never thought that such a narrowly focussed discussion board about a topic which isn't even a year old would have over one thousand registered discussion board members.
We've all got old kit 
Plus you forget that a mini distro is perfect for introducing newcomers to the delights of linux.
I doesn't matter how many mistakes you make, a quick reboot and you can start again.
(The number of times I had to reinstall slackware when I made a major xxxxx at the console......:))
If only linux could solve the problem of winmodems (which are packaged in 95% of new pc's)
we'd be converting in droves.:)
Anyway many congratulations to you and your team.
1000... good number. but i predict that in 3 months its gonna be 2000
Mar. 23 2004
1203 Registered Members 
well done dude, nice work i personally think there is too many linux distros out there without true focus - well urs does - well done
p.s. did u know it was on linuxformat magazine a few months back i think - thats what a m8 tells me 
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